Pilots were selected to assess the effectiveness of the enCOMPASS system under the following conditions:
• 3 different climate zones (humid continental, hot-summer Mediterranean, continental subarctic)
• 3 different building types (residential buildings, schools, office buildings)
• 3 different cultural settings (central European, Mediterranean, sub-alpine European)
Climate differences must be addressed to establish the effectiveness of the enCOMPASS approach. First, the perceived necessity of consuming energy can vary in differnt climate conditions. Second, differences in climate can result in different environmental beliefs, and thus the perceived urgency of saving energy. Also, differences between building types must be considered as they yield different saving potentials. Third, differences in cultural factors can influence environmental beliefs and the propensity to save energy. Regarding technological infrastructure, all selected buildings share the same conditions (e.g., all will have smart meters, smart home sensors, use electric heating).
German Pilot Use Case 1: Residential, school and public buildings in Haßfurt, Germany
This pilot evaluates the achieved change in everyday energy activities and savings of 4 target groups (residents, public administration employees, school students and staff) in 3 different settings (100 residential homes, 1 school and 1 public building) located in Haßfurt, Germany. enCOMPASS will be deployed in all of these locations.
Greek Pilot Use Case 2a: Public library & offices of the National Documentation Centre (NDC) in Athens
This pilot evaluates the achieved change in everyday energy activities of library visitors and personnel of the NDC.
Greek Pilot Use Case 2b: Residential buildings and college in Athens & Thessaloniki
This pilot evaluates the achieved change in everyday energy activities and savings across a wide range of residential customers of WVT from flats in buildings in Athens and Thessaloniki. The AKTO College in Thessaloniki will be involved as a school building. The enCOMPASS system will be deployed in all locations.
Greek Pilot Use Case 2c: Office building in Athens (WVT headquarters)
This pilot evaluates the achieved change in everyday energy activities and savings in an office building in Athens (WVT headquarters). The enCOMPASS system will be deployed in the building’s offices.
Swiss Pilot Use Case 3: Residential, school and public buildings in Locarno, Switzerland
This pilot evaluates the achieved change in everyday energy activities and savings of 4 target groups (residents, public administration employees, school students and staff) in 3 different settings (100 residential homes, 1 school and 1 public building) located in Locarno/Terre die Pedemonte. enCOMPASS will be deployed in these locations.