SES has been founded in Locarno, Switzerland, in 1903, and it has been supplying electricity of the Sopraceneri region in Canton Ticino ever since. SES is an industry which aims to develop innovative applications of multi-metering solutions and it is currently exploring the market for multi-utility (gas, electricity, water) smart metering solutions.
SES is leading the Swiss pilot. They will facilitate access to pilot buildings, and organize the recruitment of participants for the pilot via promotion campaigns. They will also be involved in Task 8.1 Technology, market and regulatory watch, and will lead D8.5 enCOMPASS ecosystem report, bringing their knowledge about the energy market to the consortium. Finally, they are involved with WP9 Communication and Dissemination to disseminate the project results to their customers and other relevant stakeholders.
More details about the Swiss pilot can be find in the pilots section.